Facebook instagram whatsapp down memes
Facebook instagram whatsapp down memes

These #facebookdown memes are just ? /ddTHfzOx59 Hoshi fixing #InternetShutDown at the moment /FdCOwmxkcb Mark zuckerberg trying to fix Instagram, whatsapp and Facebook at a same time #DeleteFacebook #Telegram #WhatsApp #MarkZuckerberg #Snapchat #instagramdown #facebookwhistleblower /88DcOSvXahīring back Yahoo! Messenger. Here are some other hilarious memes about the long shutdown.

facebook instagram whatsapp down memes

#instagramdown #facebookdown #WhatsApp #InternetShutDownĠ0whatsapp dead /10ZU8bINkZ mVFlVOOCOCĬongratulations Twitter! you made it to the next round! #InternetShutDown /An8GWRiZBq

facebook instagram whatsapp down memes

Netflix and other users joined the conversation with Squid Game references.

Facebook instagram whatsapp down memes